
故事大全 - 最悬民族风

2021-10-12 11:11:03 阅读 :





















“何必要等到回中国才听真正的民乐呢?Let's go!”我笑嘻嘻地答道。








Introduce:1. medicine, medicine, medical airliner is strapped in Donggui after the airport descends, we feel blow on the face of a heat wave immediately and come. We 5 people are carrying the case of musical instrument to walk out of the airport, the local that sees pitch-black of a few skins immediately stands beside a shabby Xiaoba car, lifting write have us the wooden shop sign of round name of music round Chinese, awaiting us. Got on Xiaoba car, we come to a pallet dock after half hours, subsequently we ascend boat of an iron sheet, accompanying motor banging song, we spent 3 hours of ability to come to small town of a certain upper reaches. In this anonymous on small town, the small freight car that we change one changes our costume or dress by 3 rounds of motor, advance along sinuate mountain line, till the dusk, if the destination —— peaceful that we come to to visit eventually blocks a valley. If peaceful blocks a valley to be located in M country north and office of group of N country F diplomatic relation, namely region of so called be nobody's business. After jumping down from the railroad car of unconscious canvas, the coquettish flower that we saw all over the mountains and plains is blooming, very beautiful flowers, evil spirit it is dazzling. "That is papaverous flower. " the hair of Xin Shu larynx with the oldest age in philharmonic society quivers ground say. Xin Shuwu is 12 years old, actor of philharmonic society a two-stinted bowed instrument with a lower register than Jingo, at the moment he looks spirit dispirited, all the way jolt makes him very afflictive. Suona horn hand China little age is the smallest, hear Xin Shu's word, two legs hair is immediately soft, paralysis of within an inch of sits on the ground, he speaks haltingly the ground asks me: "Chu Ge, can we confront the arrest poisonous police of M country? If arrest poisonous police discovers we are here, can you think we also are the convict of kind of papaverous flower? Catch us? " " do not think so much! " my glare he is one, path: "We just come to here of the show, even if was caught, from our airline ticket information also can know, this is we come to M country for the first time, of accusation of very easy wash. " but I say this word very to do not have bottom gas, because I hear the constabulary all along of M country is corrupt, if caught us really, calculate us can all over and retreat, little also not a large sum of money on the flower. The black clothes that plays dulcimer and played the pony with happy blow to leave a car accordingly, after this sees the flower of all over the mountains and plains to young lovers, happen to coincide unexpectedly head collect arrives one case, feel skill machine to take big head note. Just can pat a few pieces, we hear the roaring that anger transmits in the valley, abide prestige goes, the soldier that sees a flock of skin pitch-black wear dirty military uniform only rushed to us along narrow meandering footpath, there is a machine gun in every soldier hand. I was psyched out, during be at a loss absently, those soldiers had developed us before, a soldier has grabbed a mobile phone from inside black clothes and pony hand, firm firm is bungled on the ground, "Bang! " mobile phone immediately disintegrate, green

本文标题:最悬民族风 - 故事大全

上一篇:失魂曲 下一篇:秘密


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