
故事大全 - 隐秘的另一半

2021-09-02 11:22:26 阅读 :
















Introduce:After I and 1 week rain Shan walk out of hospital gate, the car fastening a gram of color of a silver grey stops before us. The driver is pushed after opening the door, say to me: "Liu Xian, who is you still remember me? " my muse is worn his about, shake his head absently however, say: "I am sorry I forget …… who are you …… " atmosphere becomes a bit awkward, but driver or understanding ground say: "Do not have a thing, liu Xian, you meet the thing previously recall slowly. Doctor Zhou had said to us, this classmate meets even if answer memory to help you search and special call together. " my head aches a bit, look up at sky of keep a lookout. Celestial stack black clouds, wanted to rain immediately. Zhou Yushan is helping me up to sit into the car that fasten a gram, introduce a chauffeur for me next: "He is Luo Di, your elementary school classmate. You are brought up together as a child oh. " I nod feebly, raised a hand, touching a on the neck red rope. On red rope, condole is worn a copper cash, qianlong connects treasure. On copper cash, still carving shallow word, it is my name: Liu Xian. The car sails to outskirts, gave a city, the scenery is shown trifling desolate. Zhou Yushan sits by me, holding my hand, ask Luo Di: "Came today a few people? " Luo Di is helping steering wheel up, orthoptic ahead, incompact reply slow: "Altogether came 3 people, besides me, still have Chen Mei, Zhao Jinxu. More than 20 years ago, we read on a class, so old past, have them only two I still am contacted. " if hearing him, in my brain however still a blank. 2 all Zhou Yushan tells me everything. Zhou Yushan says, when I am sent a hospital, it is blood all over. Because of a miserable intense traffic accident of arise suddenly in the late night, my head got be bumped violently. Performed an operation for me personally as surgical Zhou Yushan, the operation is very successful, save a life that answered me from dead line. But, the sequela of traffic accident let me regretfully however lose memory. When sending a hospital, thing of the what on my body also is done not have. Without purse, also do not have Id. If not be that close-fitting the Qianlong that hanging connects treasure, the real full name that hospital respect links me cannot witting. Nevertheless, I encounter that clothes that wears when traffic accident, it is famous brand however, the clothings that the whole body fluctuates adds up, value won't be little at 10 thousand yuan of RMBs. Taking because of my what thing, the home that so hospital respect guesses me is certainly near accident scene not far place, just go out when taking a walk, encountered that abrupt out of control to develop the truck of footpath by chance.

本文标题:隐秘的另一半 - 故事大全

上一篇:穿过骨头抚摸你 下一篇:谁是游戏对象


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