
故事大全 - 惊悚故事之蜕皮

2021-08-13 11:27:29 阅读 :













Introduce:1 late at night, an Longyi is by the side of the window, the noise side ear has the word that when the mother is dying, says: An Long, should install draw to search, she returns living …… to bring the little sister that draw is An Long, inner Mongolia went 3 years ago, be returned the first year and is desultory phone connection in the home, lost an information completely the 2nd year. An Long answers a little sister to run toward north year after year to search, go every time inside unconscious, empty-handed however, install draw to as if at this point without foundation disappears on this world. However recently, an Long received a letter that comes from Inner Mongolia however. Letter inside front cover has piece of picture, he is on the photograph before the little sister that be missing stands in a tree, strong camera smiles. The Anlong after seeing a picture is utterly confused, install draw probably living still really, what say like the mother is same. The little sister already was the family member of the only that install dragon nowadays. An Long has turned over the reverse side of the photograph, writing from the back " go in for sth in a large scale housing of picnic of river of desert of hiking —— of An Linglin area " , right of next horn signing is: Heat up a graph. The address on the picture installs Long Ting to had said, it is to be in go in for sth in a large scale draw near west An Ling inside tourist attraction of unconscious a travel, go in for sth in a large scale An Ling belongs to Heilongjiang administer, but the Hu Lunbei Er that installs draw to be missing in Inner Mongolia leaves not far however on situation. Affirmation is added to install draw more in An Longxin living still, just in the heart 100 think of do not get its to solve. If the little sister is living still, why so old will be on bad terms the connection in the home? Install draw clever and sensible, it is mind flesh of the mother all the time, what job to produce? And is the person that this sends a picture mixed after all what kind of relation is installing draw? Heat up a graph, this is the name of a minority person. The following day, an Long is built boarded the plane on north. Left a plane, all the way without a stop, head for directly go in for sth in a large scale Zuo of force of housing of desert river picnic. An Long comes to brigade Zuo , take out a photograph to ask the person in brigade Zuo , however everybody says to had not seen this southern girl however, the passenger flow that says here is very large, had seen probably but also do not have impression. An Long packed up a photograph disappointedly, booked a room with the boss. Although this envelope gives him how-to place, did not leave connection way however, what objective does the person of this graph calling heat have after all? How does An Long also want not to understand. He strolls on a small lakefront that comes to the front of brigade Zuo . Colour of sky darkens gradually, the tourist of lakefront drops off gradually, the starlight that laky inverted image wears jet bit a little bit is remained only all around, cool wind has been blown without breath ground soundlessly, an Long does not become aware the ground feels some chill, at this moment, a hand in darkness pats the shoulder in An Long. Travel alone? Gentleman. 2 An Long has turned round, man of a youth stands in his back. There is the black of the big fur clothing of grey yellow and massiness on man body

本文标题:惊悚故事之蜕皮 - 故事大全

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