
故事大全 - 恐怖故事之痒人

2021-08-10 09:36:30 阅读 :






























Introduce:Said you also won't believe the likelihood, I wanted to kill lily of my little sister river. Of course, I am not the person with the sort of fierce and cruel nature. Because she gave my life to bring tremendous misfortune,I should kill river lily is. That 7 years old years river lily got a kind of strange disease, she always is indescribable body scratchy. When beginning, pa Mom was not cared about, feel the likelihood is her only at ordinary times not quite exquisite individual is healthful cause. I remember lily of river of that paragraph of time liking to follow particularly amuse oneself of the hill after they go to schoolboy Xue Bin together, do all the day on the body dirty. Xue Bin is lived in with us in same in the courtyard, still go up 3 years old greatly than me. He is a child king, a few childish game play on the hill after taking a flock of children to arrive all the day. Because I like particularly at that time quiet, did not participate in them so among them. One day I am gotten on in the bed by river lily again and again the movement is noisy woke. I opened an eye to see picture of a bloodcurdling. River lily is curved body keeps shiver is worn, sinister in appearance. Her both hands emphatically is caught in on the neck one another go to the fields move, the hematic mark of blood-red immediately float comes out now, resembling is to climb full numerous how long long earthworm. Back-to-back I just notice more place on river lily body, on her arm, abdomen, leg, it is even be caught by oneself on the face countless hematic mark. Because some places had exerted oneself to do sth. fierce skin is caught so that split, long and thin bloodstain is stuck on the quilt, shocking. River lily has turned the head comes, terrified the ground is looking at me. My heart seems to be handholded by her look, the body is tightened accordingly, next I ability aloud shriek rises. I do not know the advent of a this shriek is adumbrative nightmare at that time. At first pa Mom thinks river lily was to get what skin disease, take her to be checked to the dermatological department of people hospital. Old doctor enquired a long time, river lily does not know how to reply, just keep saying here is urticant over there urticant. She is being caught at random on the body before the face of old doctor, look special anguish. Old doctor never has seen this kind of whole body is without the urticant painful case history of omen, he opened a few antiseptic skin medicine casually, let adult give river lily to bathe skin medicine bubble in water. Mom bathes to river lily at the same time in the bathroom at the same time she does not tell rebuke wholesome. I bend over to write line of business on tea table, hear river lily to give out painful groan sound continuously. I know certain rub gets mom very forcibly, and have originally on river lily body catch sodden cut, antiseptic liquid medicine is undoubtedly salt is spilled on her cut. Father is afraid that I am infected by river lily, bought Zhang Xiao bed to sleep to me afresh, flat later clear away the study that gives oneself to become bedroom. Mom is successive of a week clean cure and did not let river lily skin

本文标题:恐怖故事之痒人 - 故事大全

上一篇:预言书 下一篇:韩国恐怖小说之脸


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