
故事大全 - 死亡之旅

2021-07-26 18:00:19 阅读 :















Introduce:1) sticks the room of a paper strip for sealing to the end of the year, because these two years of beneficial result are right, company board of directors decides to let everybody go to Japan travelling freely, serve as with this encourage. Those who receive this announcement that night, su Cheng did not come home again, with his lover Liu Xiaoqing is hiring the lingering in housing overnight. Su Cheng is the general manager of this company, but everything his is not mere try hard because of his only, bigger reason or, his farther-in-law is the president of this company. Went to Tokyo, hotel of occupy star class when, su Cheng specially is in room arrangement of Liu Xiaoqing his next door, such, they will be convenient a lot of. Towards evening, his belt lands small blueness goes out to shop. When coming back transient hotel lobby, they came up against to wear red coat, thick makeup the young woman that wipes again. Revive cost will like too coquettish woman not quite, but he also does not know how, the first when see this woman, he feels look familiar, and that gules coat on her body is the look that firmly ground draws him more, the sort of red resembling was to be applied blackart is general, was about easily his life. Brushing humeral an instant, liu Xiaoqing very naturally and that woman made a call. Sucheng wondering, ask: "Oh? Is she your Japanese friend? " Liu Xiaoqing patted him, grinning ground says: "My where has what Japan friend, she is worker of our company newcome, still be in probation, she but lucky, will be touched on travel going abroad this kind of good thing. " Su Chengyi listens, interest is stronger: "Newcome, what to call the name? " " Jiang Lan. " Su Cheng also followed silent to read aloud, broadened on the face smile. In the evening, land small Qing Fei wants Su Cheng to stay in her room, but Su Cheng does not know how, be in and when Liu Xiaoqing is affectionate, his have one's mind stuffed with is Jiang Lan's face. When sliding from Liu Xiaoqing body, he actually expiration her name. "Dear, you how? " Liu Xiaoqing is like and did not listen clear, asked. Su Chenghu random prevaricate goes, stretch one's hand the smoke that goes feeling the head of a bed, can discover forgot to be in oneself room. Then, he rested a little while, draped a coat to go out. Just went out, posse red is gotten out in his line of sight, calm fine looks, still be Jiang Lan really. And at the moment, her body must be being risen and fall to have by a fiery dress wrap up send, look revive tide of Chengdu face flood is red. Original, jiang Lan lives in the across of his room. Right now, her face about closes the door, stuck a piece of paper on a crack between a door and its frame again next. Wait for her to disappear in corridor edge, su Chengcai strides the past, stretch one's hand feel that piece thin thin paper. He knows, if who opens the door, paper can be torn off, and Jiang Lan has what hidden after all

本文标题:死亡之旅 - 故事大全

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