
故事大全 - 灵异故事之狐仙牌

2021-07-24 10:02:35 阅读 :










Introduce:I am a young worker that has permanent occupation, although I want to say with you is a few weird things that I had encountered here, the individual cause that can not represent me is with clever different contact with. Contrary, I am a character 8 still calculates quite strong person. As a result of working relation, I often should go to very multilateral home be away on official business, press me what the root does not believe to clever different incident at first, after experiencing these things, one individual character 8 is again hard, experience became much indecipherable thing, can begin suspicion, make a thorough inquiry slowly, until begin to believe. This I want to say, it is I go experience that Thailand is away on official business. 2010 at the beginning of December, thailand goes before I take some You Lun of well-known company, the job is to play the part of a tourist, the service that attends to You Lun, food makes component. The company still arranges me to go after Thailand, can swing a week, return home to report the work next. The work that does not admire me is idle away in seeking pleasure, our boss also won't give such welfare in vain. He sets out in me before, explain his private my job. He wants me to request shop sign of celestial being of a fox to him there a of Thailand small cloister, namely a kind of card of the shade in Buddha card. My boss Chen Mou is a very successful person, 30 odd, sit the seat that went up to manage a layer, yearly salary is me is times doubler. But the person's desire can expand ceaselessly, his not long ago is stared at went up board of directors a thousand pieces of gold of a certain partner. Regrettablly the fine public figure that body home of the family, record of formal schooling does not lack pursuit, where to view the presence that gains him. Although the hope is uncertain, my boss still wants spare no effort one wrestle, issue half a lifetime to be changed possibly after all, such opportunity in life has already much. He listens to a friend to say, card of fox celestial being can increase the man's glamour, the opposite sex that lets oneself admire in the heart is confused on oneself. He feels OK to try, I also understand this Buddha brand is right his importance, although I press a root not to believe this, but the holiday for me and bonus, I am tacit. Reach the place that Thailand makes Anpawa, a person that calls Ba Song will receive me, and the explain private affairs that I also am eager to the boss that finish, did not rest the ground is urging him to take me to go that small temple requests Buddha shop sign. Ba Song employed a boat, delimit along the river, after passing a few lively places, delimit more devious more, begin to appear a few very common peaceful countrymans curtilage. The boat rusts with respect to amid iron sheet supports civilian curtilage before stop, this and the cloister that I imagine not agree with completely. Ligneous hut, having an in part is impending on the river, just be being propped up by a few brawny club, look at total feeling very loath, be afraid of should collapse the feeling that come down. The second half part of the building is built on the bank, look at still calculate firm, if not

本文标题:灵异故事之狐仙牌 - 故事大全

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