
故事大全 - 永不分享

2021-07-20 09:10:01 阅读 :











Introduce:Embellish show presses down frigging frigging beauty, it is a desolate and quiet small town originally. The people sunrise here and make, sunset and breath, they were cast to be from the back aloof by the world of content desire, live in small town from beginning to end peculiar halcyon in. However, a beautiful hairpin, those who broke small town is halcyon. The Beginning of Spring that day in the morning, press down the girl jade lotus that go up, the head is wearing a gules hairpin to appear before everybody. That is a how beautiful hairpin! It connects body to give out the bright-coloured red like gem, line is beautiful, modelling is chic. This hairpin drew the look of the everybody on the town, especially the attention of young girl. They are surrounded come up want to admire the beautiful hairpin that cannot buy in this small town, but was rejected forcedly by Yu Liansheng however: "You are not touched! Embellish show town cannot buy this hairpin. Be touched bad, must your compensate rise? " then, all girls can stay to look at hairpin pharynx saliva of Yu Lian slow-wittedly only. Wore the Yu Lian of hairpin, look than much more beautiful at ordinary times, show a kind of high temperament fully up and down all over even, make a person infatuate. Confuse the most greatly, the A Juan with ordinary appearance wanting number. A Juan says secretly in the bottom of the heart: "If I can do that hairpin, I can become the most beautiful person on the town. " then, a beautifuls ground of try every means is close to Yu Lian, the hope can lend Dai Yi hairpin. However Yu Lian's line of defence is very severe, everybody cannot be close to this hairpin. Meanwhile, yu Lian begins to get pressing down the love of on a few boys. She more care about this hairpin. Nevertheless, a beautifuls or got a chance, a Babylon opportunity. That day, a Juan wants to visit a cousin originally, inopportune is the cousin is not in the home. Return road culmination to fall heavy rain, thunder and bolt, a Juan at the same time dark scolding have bad luck to run desperately toward the home at the same time. Be in when crossing a woods, red light drew A Juan's attention suddenly. It is hairpin! It is that hairpin that lets A Juan yearn day and night! A Juan runs over hastily, however there not only hairpin, still have the Yu Lian that has died partly. Yu Lian is blade up and down all over, in rainwater) in brush under, clang clang ground is shedding blood outwards, with her ghastly skin set each other off, extremely horrible. Yu Lian still has apparently at a heat, her mouth closes one piece, resembling is in Xiang Ajuan ask for help. The cerebral sea mile that a crazy idea beautifuls in A rotates at full speed: If do not have that hairpin, oneself can save Yu Lian of course. But at the moment, want Yu Lian to die only, hairpin puts in him 's charge! The desire had pressed be apt to to read aloud eventually, a beautifuls shakily catchs hairpin in the hand, next the head also does not answer the ground to run away. She knows, yu Lian shed so much blood, want to rescue them not in time only, she was decided to death.

本文标题:永不分享 - 故事大全

上一篇:图腾杀 下一篇:百鬼夜行之玉藻前传说


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